The Value of Summer reading programs

The Value of Summer reading programs

More than a century ago, in the 1890s to be precise, Summer Reading Programs were initiated. The programs began as a tactic to motivate school going to children to read and learn during summer holidays. The plan was particularly invested in children living in urban areas that were not needed for farm work. Besides learning during vacation, the program was also aimed at developing the habit of reading and how to use a library. Slowly, the advantages of the summer reading program expanded to include:

  • Inculcate a lifelong habit of reading a book, magazine, newspaper, etc. by encouraging it at a young age.
  • Create activities that charmed even the most reluctant readers to participate in the program
  • By ensuring that students read over a long summer break their skills were maintained

Ultimately the plan was to generate as much interest and conversation as possible about libraries and the books they stored. But an indirect benefit of the summer vacation program was the immense opportunity it offered for quality family time. It was not just learning for kids but fun for all those involved. As a consequence, more and more people took part in it which lead to more funding and maintenance of libraries.